Global Fertilizer Day – 13 Oct 2022

Global Fertilizer Day was observed by and at Sasya Shyamala Krishi Vigyan Kendra, RKMVERI in collaboration with Society for Fertilizers and Environment on 13th October, 2022 in commemoration of the discovery of Haber’s Process of ammonia synthesis by German Scientist Fritz Haber with the tapping of atmospheric Nitrogen, later improvised by another German Scientist Carl Bosch for large scale industrial production. This single discovery has changed the global agricultural production system with manufacture of N-fertilizers. Both the Scientists got Nobel Prize in 1918 (Fridge Haber) and 1931.

Society for Fertilizers and Environment (SFE) is an unique Society which addresses the use of Fertilizers and its interaction with the Environment. It tries to create awareness among the stakeholders about the unscientific use of this critical input. In this programme of observation of Global Fertilizer Day total 80 students, input dealers and Farmers and staff members of the Sasya Shyamala KVK RKMVERI physically participated while a large number of farmers, input dealers and other members of the Society participated virtually. Eminent experts – , ex-Professor and Pro-Vice Chancellor of BCKV and Secretary of the Society, Dr. Subhendu Bhadraray, ex-Scientist of ICAR-IARI and Senior Consultant of Tata-Rallis, Dr. Feroze H Rahman, Principal Scientist of ICAR-ATARI and Joint Secretary of the Society, Mr. Partha Bhattacharya, ex- DGM and WB State Marketing Manager of IFFCO, Prof. Kajal Sengupta, Head, Dept of Agronomy, IRDM F/c, RKMVERI delivered lectures and participated in the interaction physically while Dr. Himadri Sen, Ex-Director of ICAR-CRIJAF and President of the Society Dr. Pradip De, Principal Scientist of ICAR-IISS Bhopal and National Coordinator of STCR project and Dr. Debasish Chakraborty, National Fellow and Principal Scientist of ICAR-IARI participated virtually.

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