FLD-Front Line demonstrations



  • Rice (Drum seeder technology for sowing pre-germinated rice seeds)
  • Lathyrus or Pea or Lentil – Rice-fallow intensification with pulse crop paira cropping
  • Hybrid maize – Use of Leaf Colour Chart (LCC) in hybrid maize
  • Specialty corn (Baby corn and Sweet corn)


  • Turmeric (STI)
  • Dragon Fruit
  • Elephant Foot Yam – Varietal improvement
  • Introduction of High value crops like Broccoli, Capsicum, French Bean
  • Orchard Development
  • Multi-tier Horticulture

Soil Science

  • Rice – Green Manuring Technology
  • Rice – Arka Microbial Consortium (AMC) technology

Plant Protection

  • Rice – Neemastra and Agneastra (30-40 lt in 100 l water)
  • Banana – Bunch covering
  • Jackfruit – Chemical treatment and water management
  • Trico-composting – Homestead trichoderma preparation
  • Oyster Mushroom cultivation

Seed Science

  • Lathyrus – High Yielding varieties
  • Rice – High Yielding varieties

Animal Husbandry

  • Establishment of Small Poultry (backyard breeds) Hatchery
  • White Pekin duck – Scientific Rearing of white pekin duck
  • Turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) – Scientific Rearing and marketing linkage of Turkey birds
  • Cultivation of green fodder (Maize, Stylo, Barseem, Subabool)


  • Freshwater Fishery diversification Chitala, Clown knifefish farming in culture pond by forage feeding
  • Air breathing fish culture    management practices
  • Crab culture
  • Crab (Scylla serrata) – IMTA




  • Rice (System of Rice Intensification)
  • Rice Fallow Intensification with lathyrus/pea
  • Use of Leaf Colour Chart (LCC) in rice and maize
  • Maize-mungbean intercropping
  • Cultivation of baby corn
  • Weed management in transplanted kharif Rice


  • Elephant Foot Yam
  • Introduction of High value crops like Broccoli, Capsicum, French Bean
  • Orchard Development (Ber, Banana, Guava etc.) along with intercrops
  • Multi-tier horticulture
  • Turmeric variety Suranjana

Plant Protection

  • Rice (IPM of stem borer complex)
  • Tomato (Disease management)
  • Jute (Insect pest management)
  • Chilli- Leaf Curl Complex Management
  • Mushroom- Scientific Mushroom cultivation and its management

Soil Science

  • Brown manuring technology in Rice
  • Green manuring technology
  • Sunflower; Improved/Hybrid Variety

Animal Husbandry

  • Breed replacement of Dual purpose poultry bird with Divyayan Red breed
  • Breed replacement of indigenous pigs with Ghungroo breed
  • Introduction of Meat Type Ducks (White Peeking)
  • Scientific Management of Ornamental Birds
  • Fodder Cultivation using FEAST program (ILRI)


  • Freshwater Fishery diversificationwith Chital, Clown knife fish farming in culture pond
  • Brackishwater Species Diversification like Culture of Seabass and Mullets
  • Air breathing fish Breeding & culture
  • Culture techniques for Crab farmers of Sunderbans
  • Low cost ornamental fish feed for better colouration and growth
  • Fish culture with periphyton technology


  • Integrated Farming System

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