Celebration of Rashtriya Kisan Diwas – 23 Dec 2023

Rashtriya Kisan Diwas was celebrated at the Sasya Shyamala Krishi Vigyan Kendra (SSKVK), RKMVERI in collaboration with WB State Centre of Coconut Development Board (CDB) and Soil and Land Use Survey of India (SLUSI), Govt. of India, Kolkata on 23rd December, 2023. A seminar was organized on Scientific Coconut Cultivation on the occasion. Dr. Amiya Debnath, Dy. Director, CDB, Dr. Saumen Saha, Soil Survey Officer and In-Charge, SLUSI attended the programme. Dr. Prasenjit Kundu, SMS (Horticulture), Dr. Abhijit Ghosal, SMS (Pl. Protection), Dr. Krishnendu Ray, SMS (Agronomy), Dr. Monidipta Saha, Programme Assistant (Lab Tech) of SSKVK, Dr. Dolanchampa Sarkar of SLUSI delivered lectures in the Seminar. Fifty farmers and farm women, all the staff members of KVK and other officials of CDB and SLUSI attended the programme.

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