Training on Small Scale Meat Product Processing and Value Addition – 6 June 2022

A training programme on “Small Scale Meat Product Processing and Value Addition” sponsored by ICAR-NRC on MEAT was held during 6-7 June, 2022 at Sasya Shyamala Krishi Vigyan Kendra, RKMVERI under Development Action Plan for Scheduled Castes (DAPSC). Twenty five women SHG members participated in the training programme. Dr. Baswa Reddy, Dr. A. R. Sen, Principal Scientists of NRC-MEAT, Swami Shivapurnananda, Asstt. Administrative Head, IRDM F/c and Vice Chairman, SSKVK, RKMVERI, Dr. N. C. Sahu, Head, SSKVK, RKMVERI and Dr. Sarbaswarup Ghosh, SMS (Animal Sc) were present in the Inaugural session. Hands on training was provided to the participants on preparation of different processed meat products.


An MoU has been signed between ICAR-NRC on Meat and RKMVERI for establishment of a small Hygienic Meat Processing Unit at the KVK for effective training of farmers belonging to scheduled caste community.

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