A one-year Diploma in Agricultural Extension Services for Input Dealers (DAESI) programme was inaugurated at Sasya Shyamala Krishi Vigyan Kendra, RKMVERI, Arapanch, Sonarpur on 24th January, 2025 for two batches (12th and 13th batch) in collaboration with SAMETI, Kolkata under the supervision of MANAGE, Hyderabad. Dr. Swagat Ghosh (SMS, Fisheries and Head, In-charge, SSKVK, RKMVERI) was given the welcome address and also highlighted the overview and importance of DAESI programme. He urged the need for know-how for each input dealer while providing scientific advisory services to the farmers. Dr. Prasenjit Kundu (Subject Matter Specialist, Horticulture, SSKVK, RKMVERI) opined that it is a welcome step by the government to train the input dealers, so that they can give correct advice to the farmers and can bridge the wide gap existing between farmers to extension agents in the country. He also highlighted the farmer’s friendly horticultural technologies for enhancing the higher production and profitability for the farmers. Dr. Abhijit Ghosal (Subject Matter Specialist, Plant protection, SSKVK, RKMVERI) emphasized the importance of the DAESI scheme in transforming active agricultural input dealers into Para-Extension Professionals and enhancing the Agricultural Extension System. He also highlighted that the DAESI programme will provide farmers with real-time scientific advices. In his address Dr. Monidipta Saha (Programme Assistant, Soil Science, SSKVK, RKMVERI) spoke about how input dealers helpful to farming community and role of para extension workers in order to achieve sustainable agriculture. Dr. Swarup Kumar Chowdhury State consultant, DAESI-WB, SAMETI, RK Mission Ashrama, Narendrapur, State Agricultural Management and Extension Training Institute (SAMETI)-West Bengal, Ramakrishna Mission Ashrama, Narendrapur described every important aspect of the DAESI programme to be utilized by the input dealers. He underlined the background, methodology course content module and suggested to create good linkages with the Block Level Officials and KVK. He hoped that the course would enable the Inputs Dealers to serve the farmers better. Swami Shivpurnananda, Vice-Chairman, SSKVK and Assistant Administrative Head, IRDM F/C, RKMVERI, Narendrapur advised the participants to apply the lessons learnt from the course to the farmers’ fields. Revered Maharaj briefed that the course will be a great success if there will be a good collaboration among the trainers, the trainees and the farmers and also Revered Maharaj advised the candidates to utilize the opportunity of the course for their knowledge upliftment and addressed the candidates to motivate themselves for successful completion of the course. The programme aims to transform the Practicing Agricultural Inputs Dealers into the Para-Extension Professionals thereby, strengthening the Agricultural Extension System. This will enable the Inputs Dealers to serve the farmers better. A total of 72 Agri-Input Dealers attended the programme. The entire programme was coordinated by Dr. Prasenjit Kundu, SMS (Horticulture). All the staffs of SSKVK, RKMVERI also participated in the programme.
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