- Effect of foliar application of zinc and boron on productivity and profitability of hybrid rabi maize
- Effect of potassium and zinc application on fibre yield and profitability of jute
- Response of Bio-priming in Tomato
- Integration of soil and foliar nutrition in influencing the yield attributes of banana
- Impact of Trich ocompost in vegetable based cropping system
- Varietal assessment through high yielding varieties of green gram during summer season
- Varietal assessment through high yielding varieties of sesame during summer season
- Impact of Biopesticides on Insect pests of Aman Paddy
- Management of mushroom pest through sanitation
- Effect of lime pelleting in acidic soil to increase the nutrient availability and yield of green gram
- Evaluation of native probiotic culture in body growth performances in dual purpose backyard poultry breeds (RIR/Vanaraja/ Kaveri)
- Locally available ingredients based feed formulation for the successful rearing of Pabda fish culture in South 24 Parganas
- Effect of macronutrient management on growth, yield and economics of hybrid Rabi maize
- Effect of soil application of sulphur on growth, yield and economics of hybrid sunflower during Rabi Season
- Impact of retting technology on fibre yield and quality of jute
- Evaluation of varietal performances in shelf life of tomato
- Management of Flower and Fruit drop in chilli
Seed Science
- Assessment of different varieties of Green gram in Summer season
- Assessment of different varieties of Lentil in Rabi season
Plant Protection
- Increasing productivity potentiality of mustard and farmers’ income using bee hive of Apis mellifera
- Assessment of organic amendments in pest management of black gram
- Comparative analysis of IPM module and new generation insecticide in managing borer complex of green gram
Animal Science
- Effect of supplementing fruit peel wastes on performance of backyard poultry
- Evaluation of Breed Performance of Colored Meat Chickens
- Studies on comparative efficiency of Biophyton, Periphyton and Green Water Bioflocs Technology (BFT) for enhancing productivity and reducing cost of cultivation of GIFT Tilapia
- Assessment of shrimp waste management based aquaculture of Litopenaeus vannamei production in semi intensive culture system.
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