An office vehicle, (Xylo D4 ) of ‘Sasya Shymala Krishi Vigyan Kendra’ under the aegis of Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda Educational and Research Institute (Deemed-to-be university) has been condemned after 10 years of use and covering 141480 KM as recorded at the time of condemnation by the competent authority of ‘Regional Transport Office’, Alipore, South 24 Parganas. They have issued a certificate of condemnation and floor price based on the condition of the vehicle at the time of inspection and have fixed the plausible percentage of ULW as per local market price per Kg of the metal as given below:
Weight (Kg): ULW 1830 KG
Price: Rs. 45 per KG (approximate).
The university authorities have decided to fix the floor price based on the above information as Rs. Rs.50,000/- (Rupees Fifty thousand ) only. We invite Sealed tender for disposal of the said condemned vehicle with the minimum price given as FLOOR PRICE i.e. Rs. 50,000/- (Rupees Fifty thousand ) only.
- Interested Parties/Agencies for purchasing the CONDEMNED VEHICLE, TRACTOR, as mentioned in the Tender Notice, may submit their bid in a sealed envelope addressed to the Vice Chairman, Scientific Advisory Committee, Sasya Shyamala Krishi Vigyan Kendra, RKMVERI, Belur Pin – 711202.
- Tenderer will have to submit the photocopy of the valid Voter Card, AADHAAR Card, PAN, IT return certificate along with the tender.
- Before submission of bid, the interested Parties/Agencies may inspect the CONDEMNED VEHICLE, physically on 20-24 March, 2025 between 11 AM to 1 PM and 3 PM to 5 PM on any working day at RKMVERI, Belur campus.
- The tender and all requisite documents duly filled in and signed by the respective Tenderer himself/herself with full name, address and telephone number and their Seal/Stamp distinctly in a sealed envelope containing the quotation should be prominently superscribed with the words “QUOTATION FOR PURCHASE OF CONDEMNED OFFICE VEHICLE (SSKVK) ” and submitted in the accounts section, RKMVERI, Belur Campus on or before 1 PM of 24 March 2025 positively.
- The tender received in time will be opened by the Tender Committee on 24 March 2025 at 3.30 PM in the Hall No.101, Medha Bhavan, RKMVERI, Belur campus. The tenderer or their representative (Not more than one) may remain present, if they desire, at the time of opening of the tender.
- The bidder whose offer would be accepted by the concerned Committee should deposit the accepted amount in full within 26 March before 5 PM.
- The right to accept the offer of the bidders or cancel the whole process lies with university authorities and there won’t be any explanation given for the same whatsoever.
- In case of GST or any other taxes applicable at any stage, the same is to be paid by the Tenderer.
Contact Number: Sri Chandan Chakraborty (8910929005) and Sri Vivek Kumar: 8777258658
Please Download the Tender Notice for disposal of condemned vehicle
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